Saturday, November 08, 2008

Circular Reasoning

We sacrifice our present happy times to run after money so that we can be happy in future.
We buckle down under stress and hyper tension and lose healthy living while working hard so that we can earn enough money to be able to afford the cost of our good health in future.
The race is never ending. Like a mad dog trying to grab its own tail, running around in circles.
The chase never ends because there is not static destination. The target keeps moving. And in this process, the ultimate goal of achieving happiness is lost. The motivation behind doing all this is to achieve happiness. And knowingly or unknowingly we give up on that. For a better future. And it always remains 'For the future'. The future never becomes Present. What a bargain that is to make! The target is moving. You are always shooting without precision. Or even worse. You are shooting the wrong target.


Soham Shah said...

That was one of the reasons why I left US ..

Actually there was only money and that psychological thing to multiply ur earnings by 45, which kept in US for 3 years .. But then, because of that blind-folded run after dollars, I was missing my mother, mother-food, mother-toungue and most importantly my mother-land .. So decided to come back ..

Even though, I am running after money right now, I am between my own people .. My own Indians .. ANd I m feeling goood ..

Gandalf said...

Well said Soham. But that was not my point. I was not comparing US and India. I was just generalizing our drive for money.

Soham Shah said...

I too am not comparing US and India .. Both are good .. Both have pros and cons !!

I was just giving example of my life .. I'm still doing the same thing of running after the money in India .. But I'm little less disappointed as I'm between my own people .. That's all I wanted to convey !!

Gandalf said...

Yep. Point taken :)

Parag said...

I think this is a bit judgmental, its not necessarily a sacrifice and not always a run for the money. But I do agree, that in general we give up certain things with the hope that we can enjoy them in the future.