Monday, October 29, 2007

Say it with pride

Who hasn't heard of the word Procrastination in Grad-Student life. Procrastination is good. It is beneficial for mental health. And Procrastination is the inalienable right of every grad-student.

It is like continuing to smoke Cigarettes arguing, 'One day everyone has to die, I might die having a little fun on my way'. It is like playing with fire knowing that it can burn you. But the satisfaction it gives is priceless!

Why not delay something if you possibly can? You know that life is so uncertain. Due dates of assignments are extended, exams are canceled, lectures get canceled, research meetings get postponed and so on and on. Why not live the moment happily and keep the work till the latest moment possible?

If you procrastinate in your assignments, you are not the first one to encounter the difficulties. You can always get the clarifications and work on the problem with a lot of ease. If you procrastinate in your job, the requirements of the client might change and you might not have to do the work at all, rather than changing everything you have done.

Apart from these trivial and overt advantages of procrastination, the best part is the thrill. You keep the things pending till last moment and you risk so much. And this keeps the rush of adrenalin flowing in your brain. It makes you more efficient if you do the work at the last moment and makes you take a lot less time than usual.

So, Do not be shy in saying 'I am a procrastinator'.
Say it with pride.
Enjoy this moment, keep the pain for some other moment.

P.S. No pun intended to those hard working people who finish their work one week before the deadline and eagerly wait for the next one to come !


Tapasya said...

Procrastination too, is an art. You master it with practice and experience, for at times it become very difficult not to do something you want to do in time. As a famous C&H quote goes:

Calvin : You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood.
Hobbes : What mood is that?
Calvin : Last-minute panic.


Tapasya said...


Parag said...

hehe...i smell karthik's influence here.

Natasha said...

I'm a procrastinator!!!! phew that feels so much better :)

I justify my actions by this - why work hard when i can work smart :) it's a different issue that to define the scope of working smart needs some hard work on my side. and that's the vicious circle of grad life.

Blog rolled you

aditi said...

Very cool thought!