Friday, December 14, 2007


My questions to Creationists

1. If you say everything has a creationist behind it, who created God?
2. You say time and space were also created by God, then where and when did God created them?
3. What was God doing before creating us?
4. If God is so genius, why did he create imperfections, woes, afflictions and sufferings in the world?

My questions to Evolutionists

1. Why is everything the way it is?
2. Can any machine (the universe, life, nature etc) be so perfect as to it can run on its own?
3. Okey, we believe in Darwin's theories, but does it explain why it happened the way it happened?
4. Why are the scientific laws the way they are? Perfect?


Parag said...

one thing 630 taught me last sem was, there are NO perfect scientific laws. other questions i guess are not answerable...

Gandalf said...

Prof. Steven Hawking contradicts your point. He says, if you assume the whole world's system as giant dials, each dial representing numbers like Gravitational constant, value of Pi, and other constants, then if you move any dial even by a millionth of a million inch, the world will cease to exist. Isn't this what we call absolute perfection?